(PM) Radius 2.0.1 and Linux

Robert hiltibidal (morgan@springpatch.com)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:56:44 +0000


Just fyi,

Yesterday I posted a question on radius 2.0.1 and Linux 2.0.32 We are
running shadow passwords and I do have the shadow.h file.

I had originally compiled radius without the -DNOSHADOW and encountered a
situation where users with the menu would authenticate and users using pap
and chap wouldn't.

Today I recompiled and took out the ifdef options for NOSAHDOW leaving
shadow.h as a standard include file. This is in the radiusd.c file:

#include <syslog.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <shadow.h>
#include "radius.h"
#include "users.h"

I still got the same results.

Then I went in and took out the calls for PASSCHANGE taking out radpass
support. Honestly I didn't take the time out to figure out what radpass
does.. I am curious..

Anyway I had to leave in the definitions associated with PASSCHANGE in the
radius.h file


Now, everything works. I get both pap and menu logins authenticating.

Just out of curiousity did anyone else have to do this?

I'm also curious on the menu passwords. Why did they get in and the pap
didn't? Is this a potential security problem?


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