(PM) Need some software displaying actual line settings for PM3

Christer Olsson (cox@clavicula.mednet.gu.se)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 17:56:49 +0100 (MET)

I need some simple program for PC and MAC who gives the actual parameters
for the user on PM3 so he/she can investigate eventual problems without
interact the own modem.

Just running the software, it will ask the modemserver by SNMP for the
actual parameters of the line. The most interesting variables is in and
outgoing speed, type of compression, STAC enabled or disabled, MTU and
MRU-values, retrains/renegotiations done.

I think someone already wrote a such program? Or..? I'm not sure if SNMP
is usable for getting this information for a nonprivilegied user?

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