(PM) 3COM Impact IQ modem

Timothy A. Deem (tdeem2@comsource.net)
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 15:32:52 -0600

I have a customer using this 3COM Impact IQ modem which boasts on the web
page "http://www.3com.com/products/dsheets/400232.html" the ability to run
at a speed of 230,400 bps with data compression. Does this capability
exist when it connects to a PM2ER unit (ComOS 3.7) using ISDN BRI-U
modules...or is this a proprietary compression scheme requiring it to be
dialed into another Impact IQ unit? If it's available on the PM2ER, is
there a parameter that needs to be "turned on" or should it just happen...?


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