Re: (PM) DoS attack

Stephen Zedalis (
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 12:46:04 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, David Denney wrote:

>It would be nice to have a filter
>that could be applied onto a dialup port that would block source
>addresses other that ones assigned to the port without having to
>have a different filter for each customer.

I agree, this needs an RFE. There ought to be a "magic" value in the
filter rulesets that equates to the address currently assigned to that
port/user. That way you can set your rulesets to only permit
incoming packets with the correct source address(s) for that port. It
would simplify things alot and allow you to do filtering that currently
you can only do with static IP assignments and individual filters per

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