Re: (PM) OSPF and assymetric routing

Scott Rosen (
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 06:43:46 -0700

>Why is the dialup customer listening to routing from you? The routing
>decision to either send the data to cable modem or to the analog modem
>is made at the customer's end, not yours. Routing decisions are based
>on the destination address not the source. The only time the customer's
>ip address is the destination is when it SHOULD go down the analog path.

I'm not sure why you believe the routing decision would be made at
the customer's end. When the customer dials up, we assign an IP
address to them. Normally, that IP address would be routed back to
the portmaster they're dialled into and then to their modem.

However, in the case of the cablemodem, we need that address to be
routed to a different place. So, when a packet comes into our
border router, we need to be sure that it is routed to the
cable office (over a frame relay circuit we have) and not back to the

The key is that when the customer is dialled up he is assigned the
SAME address to his analog modem interface as his cablemodem
interface. When he requests data, he is requesting it from an IP
address that is going to be routed back to his cablemodem.

If there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears. But, to this point
in time, it has worked *execpt* for when we tried to implement OSPF
(because the portmaster begins announcing the route to that IP).

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