(PM) PM3 questions

Daniel Camacho (lists@cnmi.net)
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:56:33 +1000

>> I've manged to get Trumpet winsock working with Win 3.1 thanks to
>> David Routh for providing the scripts. I'm using a Hayes Accura 28.8
>> modem for this test and when I use Trumpet winsock, I get a full 28.8
>> However, when I use the same modem in my Win95 machine with the new
>> Win95 DUN+new winsock, I only get 9600. Does anyone have this problem with
>> Hayes modems? Thanks.
>check port speed settings etc...
>port should be 115200 and hardware...
>AND take out parts and pieces of DUN authentication that you don't need.

The thing is, it is set at 115200 and I've removed setting in the DUN that I
think is not necessary, but I still get 9600.

I have another question. I have 2 PM3's and line0 and line1 on the first
PM3 are
up, and only one T1 line on the second PM3's is being used right now with a
of 72 dialup lines. I'm using CT1 and have configured the PM3's for such.
My question
is, do lines 0 and 1 on have to have the same recieve levels?

Here's what I got...

---------------------- line0 - T1 Inband DS0 ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Signaling: Trunk E&M wink start

Receive Level: -15dB to -22.5dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 232117
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 2
Receive Carrier Loss 1 Multiframe Sync 6664
Loss of Sync 1

---------------------- line1 - T1 Inband DS0 ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Signaling: Trunk E&M wink start

Receive Level: +2dB to -7.5dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 140011
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 1
Receive Carrier Loss 1 Multiframe Sync 14124
Loss of Sync 1

Also, as you can see, I'm getting CRC Erros on both lines. What would be
the ideal recieve level for this? Is this a Telco thingy?

One last question, when I do 'show all' I see this:

Port Speed Mdm Host Type Status Input Output
---- ----- --- ---------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ----------
C0 9600 off Login/ USERNAME 0 11
S0 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 149536 1055829
S1 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 245 286
S2 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 304 367
S3 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 304 361
S4 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 0 0
S5 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 0 0
S6 64000 on Netwrk IDLE 0 0

In the 'Speed' section, can I change that to 115200 for the modem port
speed? or does this
have to be either 56K or 64K. I would appreciate any pointers to improve
the performance
of my PM3's. Thanks.


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