Re: (PM) Assigned IPs

Jon Rust (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 14:33:38 -0800

On 2/23/98 12:42 PM proclaimed --

>I hear from someone at our NOC that PM3s use up an extra IP beyond the
>number of ports it has. Is this true? If I set start of assigned as
>, what will be the last IP is will consume?
>Thanks for the help,

Someone at support finally straightened me out on this (Sean if memory
serves). First, start the pool on a subnet boundary. That way if/when you
run OSPF your routes are summarized nicely. For example, set assigned
x.x.x.16; set pool 48. That makes it a /28 and a /27 -- 2 entries in your
OSPF tables. And second, no it doesn't take one extra. When the PM boots,
it checks to see how many dial-in ports you've got. It'll set that many
addresses aside UNLESS you have the set pool command set, which overrides
it. In the above example the PM would use x.x.x.16 - x.x.x.63. A PM2e/30
would require only a /27.

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