Re: (PM) Re: []

Tim Flavin (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 14:43:25 -0600 (CST)

This whole thread was very interesting to me, if you didn't like it, the
'D' key is right there between the f and s, use it.

I was so interested in fact that I pulled my detail logs apart and came up
with our real life, real world stats for start and stop records.

This is only our stats for the month of February, almost a quarter of a
million sessions, so I think the data amount is a good sample base. I
only used February because that is as far back as I can think that all our
PM3's we running identical code that is currently running on them.

I've included my raw data at the end of this message, please tear it apart
to your hearts content.

All our terminal servers are PM3's running ComOS 3.7.2c3 feed by a variety
of telco's and trunk types and switches.

These break down to:

1 CT1 from WorldCom via an Erikson - Wink
1 PRI from Focal via DMS-500 - DMS-100
2 CT1 from Ameritec via DMS-100 - Wink
4 CT1 from Southwestern Bell via 5ESS - Wink
16 PRI from Southwestern Bell via DMS-10 - NI-2

We also have a few PRI's for 800 service from Consolidated Communications
served off their DMS-500 that are not included in this data.

We are seeing the following results:

NonPCM PCM Total
Start 196162 18598 214772
Stop 196760 17092 214427

And some of the key figures show


PCM Only 18598 8.70%

32000 100 .54%
34000 118 .63%
36000 1141 6.14%
38000 521 2.80%
40000 631 3.39%
42000 3905 20.99%
44000 2882 15.49%
46000 7481 40.22%
48000 317 1.70%
50000 1432 7.70%
52000 69 .37%
54000 1
56000 0

Non-PCM 196162 91.33%

14400 16548 8.44%
16800 936 .48%
19200 3505 1.79%
21600 3456 1.76%
24000 8235 4.20%
26400 28919 14.74%
28800 67028 34.17%
31200 44993 22.94%
33600 19523 9.95%

PCM Only 17092 7.97%

32000 61
34000 120
36000 887 5.19%
38000 815 4.77%
40000 676 3.96%
42000 4392 25.69%
44000 4447 26.02%
46000 4730 27.67%
48000 131 .77%
50000 818 4.79%
52000 14
54000 0
56000 1 Connect-Info = "56000 LAPM/V42BIS"

Non-PCM 196760 91.76%

14400 16311 8.29%
16800 1514 .77%
19200 4346 2.21%
21600 5063 2.57%
24000 10976 12.20%
26400 32880 16.71%
28800 66484 33.97%
31200 45601 23.18%
33600 9955 5.06%

Tim Flavin Internet Access for St Louis & Chicago
Internet 1st, Inc Toll Free Sales & Support 800-875-3173 For more information email

The following is the raw data to derive the above info.

Start Records 214772

Speed Occurances

1200 158
2400 237
4800 191
7200 295
9600 1358
12000 780
14400 16548
16800 936
19200 3505
21600 3456
24000 8235
26400 28919
28800 67028
31200 44993
32000 100
33600 19523
34000 118
36000 1141
38000 521
40000 631
42000 3905
44000 2882
46000 7481
48000 317
50000 1432
52000 69
54000 1
56000 0

Stop Records 214427

1200 157
2400 265
4800 500
7200 390
9600 1538
12000 780
14400 16311
16800 1514
19200 4346
21600 5063
24000 10976
26400 32880
28800 66484
31200 45601
32000 61
33600 9955
34000 120
36000 887
38000 815
40000 676
42000 4392
44000 4447
46000 4730
48000 131
50000 818
52000 14
54000 0
56000 1 Connect-Info = "56000 LAPM/V42BIS"

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