Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)]

Jeff Carneal (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 12:24:11 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 22 Feb 1998, Anthony Lemons wrote:

> list? It is quite obvious he just joined to defend his stupid comments and
> flawed tests. Whats the use trying to tell the man he is a jerk and wrong?
> I'm sure he has already figured this much out about himself over the years,
> just can't face the reality of it. Just can him from the list so it can get
> back to normal. Besides, he has already stated he has/will ban Livingston
> from appearing in his mag, so why should he be allowed to read/post to this
> list.

Because that would be censoring based on the fact that he's got an opinion
you don't like, which, in my book, is not ok. Also, this thread has
ALMOST turned into something constructive now, and then I see it's turning
back into a lot of name calling and other destructive comments again. I
personally would like to see it continue to be a more civil debate on test
methodology, because I have a suspicion Jack just might reveal the
information you all want if you'd stop calling him names long enough for
him to do so. So, let's not stop the thread, but let's stop the
immaturish manner in which most of you are perpetuating the thread.

  Jeff Carneal - Sys Admin - Apex Internet    (502) 442-5363

The opinions expressed above aren't really mine. They belong to someone else who also refuses to take responsibility for them.

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