Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide

Anthony Lemons (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 12:29:23 -0500

At 06:01 AM 2/22/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Jack, you're a dumbass. Lucent RABU mailing lists are closed lists. Any
>post from someone, ANYONE, not on the list goes into the bit bucket. You
>are no different from anyone else. If you want to post to the list you have
>to be on the list and post from *exactly* the same address. Or majordomo
>will happily shitcan it for you.
>Your insinuations of censoring is reprehensible. And only servers to
>further weaken your arguments. I've always found you technical analysis
>to be weak at best, now I know your just a moron.

Very well put. Now, can someone kindly remove this moron from the mailling
list? It is quite obvious he just joined to defend his stupid comments and
flawed tests. Whats the use trying to tell the man he is a jerk and wrong?
I'm sure he has already figured this much out about himself over the years,
just can't face the reality of it. Just can him from the list so it can get
back to normal. Besides, he has already stated he has/will ban Livingston
from appearing in his mag, so why should he be allowed to read/post to this
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