Re: (PM) win95 PPP via RS232 cable into PM2 ?

Daniel Henry (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 11:01:53 -0600

I saw the lowdown on the new PM4 at the Texas ISP Conference a couple of
weeks ago. Its gonna be great for you people who like to be EXTRA dense. I
like a more modular design , such as the size of the PM3. I think there is a
race for who can pack the most ports in a single chassis, which creates a
BIG point of failure. I am sorry but I dont want my dialin services relying
on a single unit. What REALLY irks me is what they mentioned about RADIUS.
The new Radius ABM ,which costs a pretty penny, will limit simultaneous
logins, while the new free Livingston radius will not... that sux. I my
opinion Livingston should strive to fix the fact that there CAN be
simultaneous logins and recognize that instead of it being a feature that is
not currently offered that it is really a serious BUG. I am sure that I am
not alone in saying that is 1 thing that I wished the Livingston radius did.
I realize that their are other versions that do this .. but to me they dont
handle interaction with the ComOS as well as Livingstons version.

Daniel Henry
Vice President / Systems Administrator
Koyote Internet

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