Re: (PM) PM4?

NOT a LE employee (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 06:00:48 -1000 (HST)

On Sun, 22 Feb 1998, Zak Wolfinger wrote:

> I have seen refernces on this list to an upcomming PM4. Anyone care to
> share details / links / rumors / lies <grin>?

Everyone who would know is under NDA...

BUT! I made a guess...

Oct 1997...

>8) I took a pot shot last year about this.... say a DS3 box with 672
>ports the size of a small refrigerator? you know a 1.8 cu. ft model...of
>course it isn't out yet, but that was my prediction many moons ago...

That was the extent of my prediction at the time since I didn't know much
at all and still don't... but I can hardly wait to see what it will tally
in for pricing....

I'm hoping that the chassis and cards will be cost effective so that I can
migrate to a PM4 rather than getting more PM3s... Just for ease of
maintanence... Hmm what am I talking about?!?! The PM3 is a breeze to
maintain... *sigH* okay I admit it... I just want to play with one... hehe

Aloha from Paradise,


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