Re: (PM) Mysterious death?
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 12:51:29 +0100

In article <> you wrote:
: I've got 4 PM3s, all on Com OS 3.7.2c3, 2 ISDN, 2 with k56flex (which is
: showing up all 12 of my x2 racks, by the way) and one of my ISDN PM3s is
: giving me heartburn.

: Every once in a while - like every 2-3 weeks - it just dies. Dead. Can't
: telnet to it, can't ping it, it's not taking calls, nothing. The power is
: still on, and if you look at the little lights on the back it looks ok.
We have 3 PM3's and our latest one from 2/98 also have major
stability problems. The other two boxes are working without any

When it goes down, no ping, no telnet, no call accepting... No
console messages, NOTHING. Just dead...

All PM3's run ComOS 3.7.2 (c2 seems to have bad PPP/UUCP performance here
on some modemtypes, so we have to wait for a new release). But only
the new one is crashing after some days. Strange...

Ralf Sauther --
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