(PM) Re: [jack.rickard@boardwatch.com]

Jack Rickard (jack.rickard@boardwatch.com)
Sat, 21 Feb 1998 14:26:16 -0700

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So how do you count calls made from a K56flex modem, to a K56flex port,
that result in a NON-PCM session - a V.34 session. In other words, how to
you differentiate between V.34 sessions from V.34 modems, and V.34 sessions
from K56 modems that failed to establish a PCM session?

> From: Robert Boyle <robert@garden.net>
> To: portmaster-users@livingston.com
> Cc: jack.rickard@boardwatch.com
> Subject: Re: [jack.rickard@boardwatch.com]
> Date: Saturday, February 21, 1998 1:51 AM
> At 02:08 PM 2/20/98 -0800, M Lyons wrote:
> >On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, Dick St.Peters wrote:
> >
> >> We see some connections below 40k; we log connections ranging from 32k
> >> to 54k. This morning I picked a range of days and analyzed them. Our
> >> last 3785 flex connections have averaged 44.56k.
> >
> >Our average rate for k56flex calls was 43.66kbps over this sample of the
> >last 6642 PCM calls to our modest network of 4 PM3's in 2 cities. In
> >location, below 40k calls are certainly not unheard of, as you can see,
> >but they are definitely in the minority. If your modem negotiates a PCM
> >connection with us, you have about a 92% chance of getting a 42kbps or
> >better initial connection.
> >Of course, these are just the initial connect rates and the modems can
> >do retrain during a call, so a measure of raw throughput would be
> >to establish whether the modems initial reported connect rates might be
> >consistently too pessimistic or too optimistic, and to what extent the
> >retrains themselves affect overall throughput.
> These are our results for K56Flex connections using 6 PM3 boxes with two
> local phone companies (Sprint & Bell Atlantic) with two different
> (DMS-100 & 5ESS) all connections are via PRI lines. I can further
> them if needed. These connections are for the previous month. There were
> total of 43433 analog calls handled by our PM3s out of a total 73,034 of
> calls overall. I have provided the SQL scripts so anyone may reproduce
> these stats for their equipment. The scripts are written based on the
> Emerald/RadiusNT database, but they should be fairly easy to modify for
> ODBC version of RADIUS. We wouldn't trade our PM3s for anything! We
> them and forget about them. We can focus on making our customers happy
> instead of figuring out why people can't connect.
> -Robert
> TotalCallsOverall
> -----------------
> 73034
> TotalPM3Calls
> -------------
> 43433
> TotalPCMStartRecords
> --------------------
> 5622
> ConnectCount ConnectSpeed Percent
> ------------ ------------ --------------------------
> 9 34000 0.16
> 42 36000 0.74
> 158 38000 2.81
> 77 40000 1.36
> 1062 42000 18.89
> 1533 44000 27.26
> 2105 46000 37.44
> 65 48000 1.15
> 566 50000 10.06
> 4 52000 0.07
> 1 64000 0.01
> TotalPCMStopRecords
> -------------------
> 5401
> ConnectCount ConnectSpeed Percent
> ------------ ------------ --------------------------
> 12 34000 0.22
> 199 36000 3.68
> 208 38000 3.85
> 204 40000 3.77
> 1917 42000 35.49
> 1471 44000 27.23
> 978 46000 18.10
> 66 48000 1.22
> 344 50000 6.36
> 1 52000 0.01
> 1 64000 0.01
> Here are the SQL statements:
> DECLARE @TotalCallsStart INT, @TotalCallsStop INT
> SELECT TotalCallsOverall = COUNT(*) FROM Calls WHERE AcctStatusType = 1
> SELECT TotalPM3Calls = COUNT(*) FROM Calls WHERE AcctStatusType = 1 AND
> ConnectInfo IS NOT NULL
> SELECT @TotalCallsStart = COUNT(SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)) FROM Calls
> WHERE AcctStatusType = 1 AND ConnectInfo IS NOT NULL AND
> CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)) > 33600
> SELECT TotalPCMStartRecords = @TotalCallsStart
> SELECT ConnectCount = COUNT(SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)), ConnectSpeed =
> SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5), Percent = ROUND((CONVERT(MONEY,
> COUNT(SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)))/@TotalCallsStart)*100,2) FROM Calls
> WHERE AcctStatusType = 1 AND ConnectInfo IS NOT NULL AND
> CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)) > 33600 GROUP BY
> SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5) ORDER BY ConnectSpeed
> SELECT @TotalCallsStop = COUNT(SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)) FROM Calls
> AcctStatusType = 2 AND ConnectInfo IS NOT NULL AND
> CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)) > 33600
> SELECT TotalPCMStopRecords = @TotalCallsStop
> SELECT ConnectCount = COUNT(SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)), ConnectSpeed =
> SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5), Percent = ROUND((CONVERT(MONEY,
> COUNT(SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)))/@TotalCallsStop)*100,2) FROM Calls
> AcctStatusType = 2 AND ConnectInfo IS NOT NULL AND
> CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5)) > 33600 GROUP BY
> SUBSTRING(ConnectInfo,1,5) ORDER BY ConnectSpeed
> Robert Boyle - Engineer - Ext 103 - robert@garden.net
> Garden Networks: New Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider
> 50 Diller Ave. / Newton, NJ 07860 (973)300-9211 8AM-8PM M-F EST
> http://www.garden.net Automatic Response: info@garden.net

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