Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)]

John Vozza (
Sat, 21 Feb 1998 21:21:34 -0500 (EST)

There once was a time when I actually respected Boardwatch magazine. Now
I can see first hand how wrong they can be and then listen to the
arrogance of the publisher when he is challanged on his test results
which are 180 degrees out of phase with the REAL world results.

BTW my k56Flex users average 44-46K with a very nice spike at 50K and we
are in what is considered "the sticks" with VERY bad telco lines! Several
users are 8 miles out from the CO and get 50K EACH AND EVERY CALL. Must
be the "crap" Livingstons we use.

Just my 2 cents worth...

John Vozza voice: 973.208.1339
NetRom Internet Services fax: 973.208.0942 data: 973.208.7777 data: 973.728.1274
data: 973.835.1111

On Sat, 21 Feb 1998, Karl Denninger wrote:

> Ok, so its true.
> You have blackballed Mr. Sasek personally, and Lucent and Livingston
> corporately.
> Fine.
> The rest of the user community can do what they want with this information.
> My affiliation with Livingston is ONLY as a customer Jack, and if you think
> that I've not had my matches with Livingston, including their head honchos,
> you can - but you'd once again be wrong. Go ask Steve - oops, you blackballed
> them, so I doubt he'll talk to you now...
> Simply put, we use their product for one reason and one only - it works
> We have in fact tested virtually all of them.
> If you want to read "conspiracy theories" into my activities, you can do so.
> That's COMPLETELY false, but heh, if you don't know that I act on my own
> and voice my own opinions, and am nobody's "eunich" or anything else for
> that matter by now, you really are a lot more stupid than I had originally
> thought.
> I've been at this business for more than 10 years, and in the electronic
> communications business before your petty little "Boardwatch" was born
> (1981 if you want to be precise). I've seen tin pot dictators come and go,
> including Fight-O-Net, your Rag, and countless others pontificating about
> this and that.
> What I have *NEVER* done, and I challenge you to demonstrate otherwise, is
> snivel around behind people's backs. If I think you're a jackass, I'll tell
> you straight up to your face. In public. On *YOUR* podium. If you don't
> know that about me, then you know nothing at all. I've made no attempt to
> hide my email on this topic - quite to the contrary, as I've expanded the
> scope of the discussion to include portmaster-users. Further, I've not
> attempted to take ANY PART of this discussion private. On the contrary -
> I want the bright white light of truth on you in full public view.
> As to YOUR claim that Livingston has prevented you from posting there, it
> certainly looks like bullshit to me. If you CCd the messages it would show
> archived ALL of your brown spew in this thread, and Jack, the truth is that
> not once has "" shown up in the headers of
> your messages - in either the "to" or "cc" lines.
> If you want to accuse Sasek or Livingston of censoring your messages, be
> careful. I'm an outside observer, don't work for them, and *DO* have all
> of your messages on this archived and logged. I'll be more than happy to
> produce them in court and swear on the Bible that those logs are true and
> correct - and Jack, nowhere does it appear that you've tried to post to
> Livingston's list. If you don't know how to use your email client the
> problem isn't Lucent's.
> My public nature with this stuff has gotten me maligned over the years.
> So be it. I'm darn proud of my professional accomplishments and credentials,
> I'm damn tough to please, and I piss people off regularly who try to take
> cheap shots at those who don't deserve it - or who try to mislead and rip
> people off.
> That's just my professional reputation and way of operating. Don't like it?
> Too damn bad. You're stuck with it as long as the Internet is a free
> marketplace; and again, if you don't know that by now, you really don't
> know *Jack*.
> You're a public figure Rickard, and what you do online and off, including
> who you screw and try to, both in your bedroom and in your business, is fair
> game. Don't like it? Tough - get the hell out of *your own* kitchen if you
> don't like the heat that you brought upon yourself.
> You don't have to worry about blackballing me - after this I'd never give
> what I believe is a rotten yellow organization a nickel of my hard-earned
> money anyway. Consider that a formal request to get me off your spam
> e-mailing list and distribution of your rag, and formal notice that I'll
> bounce a nice GIF file of my middle finger back at you if you spam my email
> again - one reply for each piece.
> I don't give two spits whether Lucent sues your pants off or not, as I have
> no stake in this issue. Frankly, until I see the actual *finished* article,
> instead of your hyped and misleading press release, I won't have an opinion
> on that. The "press release", however was IMHO precisely that - misleading,
> full of hype, and full of simply baseless claims - due to your choice not to
> release the data to substantiate what you said you found.
> Now is the data in the magazine? Who knows. We all will - eventually.
> If its not there then you should be pilloried, drawn, quartered, and hung
> in the court of public opinion. If it is then the facts will speak for
> themselves.
> But the other problem is far more serious. Blackballing someone because
> they disagreed with you, even vehemently so, is reprehensible. Its probably
> not actionable (just like you have absolutely no right to invade my
> property - such as my mail server - or Lucent's property - like their
> mailing list), as your magazine and convention is a private function which
> you host and set the rules for.
> But it is ethically bankrupt. Worse, it smells bad, and further leads me
> to believe that you *DO* have something hide.
> Those who have nothing to hide don't mind a debate - even an acrimonious
> one - and produce their evidence when challenged. Those who DO have something
> to hide try to refuse a voice to their opponents.
> You've now had several people in this debate do exactly that - they've
> posted their statistics. Care to argue with them? No? Gee, why not?
> They don't jive with your claims, by the way... so much for statistical
> correlation.
> And, of course, you've said you don't care whether their statistics
> correlate with yours. Is that because all that matters is selling
> magazines and advertising space?
> Unfortunately for you, Jack, Lucent has plenty of ways to get their voice
> heard. I have already suggested a mailing to their customer base. Now,
> with you admitting that you have blackballed Lucent/Livingston, I reiterate
> my call for them to do exactly that - and point out to all those customers
> that you have done precisely this. I also urge them to excerpt your letter
> posted here, under "fair use", in which you admit this action.
> Let the marketplace decide if your actions have merit.
> Isn't that what you were trying to say about Spam and the K56Flex/X2 issue?
> Or do your rules only apply to you?
> On Sat, Feb 21, 1998 at 02:01:38PM -0700, Jack Rickard wrote:
> > It is quite true Karl. As you should have seen from my reply to Joe's
> > e-mail in portmaster-users. It would APPEAR at this point, and we're still
> > looking at it to determine for sure, but it would APPEAR that Livingston
> > has blocked the reply, and it never appeared in PORTMASTER-USERS. I have
> > not tried to do this AT ALL privately, and in fact did it quite publicly.
> > But the message appears to have been blocked.
> >
> > If it turns out to be so, and you would like to see it in it's entirety, I
> > will post it here in ISP-CEO for everyone's perusal.
> >
> > We don't do things in the dark. But that apparently does not extend to
> > your and Livingston's activities. I'm shocked if this is the case, but a
> > pattern is emerging that somewhat precludes "surprise". If in fact,
> > Livingston blocked my reply directly to portmaster-users mailing list,
> > where Mr. Sasek's original defamatory attack appeared, we DO have a very
> > different kettle of fish Karl, and you may be quite right as to the
> > participation of lawyers.
> >
> > We actually have a very good legal team. If I had to count all the times
> > we've been threatened with legal action over the years, I don't even know
> > what the total would be. I can tell you we've never had to back away from
> > anything we've put in print. And you and Livinston would be absolutely
> > slaughtered on this one. There are occasionally some fine lines. This
> > isn't one of them.
> >
> > On the other hand, making a public accusation of malfeasance and fraud in a
> > mailing list, and then refusing to post the maligned's response in the same
> > venue, has a very deplorable set of ethics. If you are allying yourself
> > with this position, you fail the woof test in public Karl. You're not only
> > dishonest, but cowardly. I have no further correspondence for your
> > consideration.
> >
> >
> > You may retrieve my FULL reply to Mr. Sasek's post, from Mr. Sasek
> > directly. And I think you should. I think HE or YOU should post it both to
> > portmaster-users and here. It was intended as a copy of a message sent to
> > and is quite lengthy. It absolutely does
> > preclude any financial relationship between Livingston and Boardwatch in
> > the future. This is really quite simple. If they believe we establish
> > editorial positions based on financial support from their competitors, I
> > cannot in good faith accept their money for ANYTHING from that moment
> > forward. It doesn't matter if their perception is true or not. It is
> > sufficient for it to be their perception. But it would appear the reply
> > never quite made it into portmaster-users. What happened to it Karl? Joe?
> >
> >
> > Now I want to ask you all a question on credibility. I have danced back
> > and forth between private mail and public mail, trying to follow the wishes
> > of whomever I am speaking to at the moment. With one gent from Skynet, he
> > made a bit of an attack in public, then responded privately, and I
> > apparently flipped it back into the list. I'm still not clear if this was
> > an accident or on purpose, but I still feel it was appropriate. YOU Mr.
> > Denninger, initiated both a public and private correspondence, almost
> > unfollowable as to which was which, and then flipped the entire private
> > correspondence out into a public forum.
> I've never initiated private correspondance over this matter - you're lying.
> > I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS. It can be private, it can be public, or it can
> > be both. I don't say anything to you or anybody else in the dark that I
> > don't care to have ANYONE read. It doesn't mean the same thing to me as it
> > does you. I REALLY don't care. We don't have any secrets here. But it IS
> > a little confusing. Settle on something. And PUBLIC is my PREFERENCE. I
> > will ONLY go private at YOUR behest. It will NEVER be at MINE.
> This is why you took a public message of mine and replied to it privately,
> including some choice language in there as well, right?
> > But as I understand it, Mr. Sasek made a deplorable accusation against the
> > credibility of Boardwatch Magazine, in a public forum to all ISP's that
> > use Livingston equipment - When I
> > responded to it, as best I can tell, he blackholed the message and it NEVER
> > DID GET OUT on Portmaster Users. And now YOU have the gall to come into
> > THIS public conference, and accuse ME of hiding it? Get the message from
> > Joe Sasek and post it here yourself. HE apparently doesn't WANT it made
> > public. I DO.
> >
> > And YOU don't measure up to dirty bathwater Karl Denninger. No ethics. No
> > honor. Not a man. A ball-less Livingston Eunuch.
> >
> > Jack Rickard
> Oh boy, more personal attacks - now we're down to calling me ball-less and a
> Livingston Eunuch besides. I'm impressed - NOT!
> It would appear that's all you have left.
> By the way, I've not had one piece of email deriding my point of view on
> this - but I've had several private "atta boys, go get 'em" in response....
> --
> --
> Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin
> | T1's from $600 monthly to FULL DS-3 Service
> | NEW! K56Flex support on ALL modems
> Fax: [+1 312 803-4929] | *SPAMBLOCK* Technology now included at no cost
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