(PM) New user questions

Scott A. Morris (samorr@inter-connect.net)
Sat, 21 Feb 1998 19:33:01 -0500

I am in the process of getting ready to bring our first PortMaster on-line
and have just started pouring over COM-OS documentation. Before I dig myself
in right off the bat, let me say that the PM3 looks like an excellent
hardware platform, but COM-OS looks to be pretty limited.

So far I have run across a couple of things that we can do with our other
NAS vendors OS. If anyone can give me some work arounds, it would be greatly

1) Is there any way to keep SMTP and POP3 calls from resetting the idle
timer? Without this, a subscriber doesn't even have to get a keep alive
program. They can just use their email client software to stay on line

I ran this one by tech support. Their answer was to use the Session Timer to
bounce subscribers. This is tacky. Has anyone got a better way of doing it?

2) Multiple IP Address Pools looks like another problem area for us. We have
several clients that we operate dial-up pools for. Presently our NAS has
several IP address pools that it allocates from. If a dial-up user from
company A dials in, radius tells the NAS to allocate and address from pool 3
and the user can be routed to company A resources based on address. How do
you do this with a PM3? I am afraid to try to look for VPN option.

Has anybody else ask for these enhancements? Great hardware is fine, but
without having a great OS to support it - is it great anymore? Please
convince me that we are not making a mistake putting one of these boxes

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