Re: (PM) What other blunders could a new CT-1 present???

Doug Ingraham (
Sat, 21 Feb 1998 10:25:51 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:

> Josh Richards uttered...
> >> no one, and I mean no one will cross the boundary. Anyway, can some one
> >> let me know what else could possibly go wrong with the line once it is
> >> finally here?
> >
> >So, did you *really* want an answer to this question? ;-)
> >
> >>
> Yes, I really want an answer to this question.. I need to be aware of
> what else to expect in terms of problems, ahead of time.

Install lineside instead of trunkside. (This just prevents Kflex from
working and low connection speeds).

Forget to turn on the trunks.

Bad hdsl cards causing lots and lots of errors.

Switch that decides to turn off the trunks for no apparant reason.

Telco provisioning the line differently from what you want or what they
tell you it is.

Digital padding problems causing Kflex to not work from a local call but
just fine over long distance.

Telco wanting to send you digits and PM-3 not understanding this.

Forwarding of your old hunt group to your competitions hunt group instead
of yours (yes this happened to us).

A bad pm3 (I have had 2 so far go bad). First one had some sort of noise
on the line 0 interface. The second one locks up out of the blue. I have
found that turning it off for several hours fixes it or a gentle rap on
the bottom with one knuckle will wake it up. I found the rap thing worked
when I spun my chair around and bumpped it on the rack mount ear while
monitoring the CO port. The box was lifted up a 1/4 inch and dropped on
the table. When I turned back it was booting after sitting there for
several minutes and being power cycled several times to no avail. After
the next lockup I jokingly rapped it on the bottom and was surprised that
it woke up. I think it is something marginal in the powersupply.
Livingston had me reload the flash as the solution. I get so ticked off
when I explain something in logical detail and am told to do something
inane as a fix.

There are plenty of other things that could go wrong, but why make
yourself crazy.

Doug Ingraham From the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
Rapid City, SD #34 "Peace is good for business."
USA #35 "War is good for business."

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