Re: (PM) URGENTLY need a pmd for Linux 2.0.xx (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 16:42:33 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jerry Workman shaped the electrons to say...
>feature on other platforms. Is it possible that there is a problem in the
>current ComOS that prevents in.pmd and nettty from working ?

Nope. in.pmd is just a HUGE pain in the ass to port. And it seems every
damn time an OS is 'upgraded' they mess up the TTYs and PMD needs to be
re-ported. Since it is used by a rapidly shrinking percentage of users
and investing the engineering time became a rapidly diminishing return.
And the source has too many hooks into ComOS so it was decided that
it would just never be released.


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