Re: (PM) Win95 Software Compression (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 22:32:28 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Stefan Hudson shaped the electrons to say...
>This is really interesting. This is exactly the point that I was
>arguing back in September, and that it was a bad idea to disallow both
>types of compression. You claimed that running both would INCREASE
>latency, but now you're saying that it would, in fact, be better to
>run both protocols than just V.42bis.

I corrected myself a long time ago. What I said here is nothing I haven't
said before. What I said originally was based on what we expected, but
real testing and reports from others indicated there was, as a general
case, an advantage to having both. But it still wasn't as good has
just running Stac alone. I haven't checked lately, but I even asked
engineering to NOT disallow Stac when V.42bis was used - back before 3.7.
I never got around to checking what 3.7.x does in this regard though.


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