EML (emlist@braznet.com.br)
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:04:31 -0200

I am a newbie to this list and my apologies if i am asking something
that might sound obvious to all of you.

We have several Portmasters on our network, but now we are facing a
completely different situation, which i havent found in any guide or

We intent to use PM3s for this job but i dont know if the equipment
can really handle it in the way our people want it.

On an ISP connection, we want to make the dialin thru the PM3 but
without any authentication, i mean users would be able to dial in
without suplying any sort of login or passwords, as this service
will have other way of charging.

My question is. Can PM3 do this?
If yes, how can this be done or where can i find detailed info about it.

Thanks for any help in advance

Paulo B. Bloedorn
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