Re: (PM) 2 PM 3's, not fully populated.

Robert Boyle (
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 00:28:43 -0500

At 03:39 PM 2/11/98 -0600, Jake wrote:
>On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Jon Rust wrote:
>> The way I understand it is if there are no modems available, and an ISDN
>> data call comes in, the first will still answer the call IF there are
>> channels available. ISDN DoV calls and modem calls will get "busied" over
>> to the next PM3.
>BUT, what about plain old analog calls? Will they get busied to the 2nd Pm
>and will it pick up? The problem is, I dont want to have to popluate Pm 1
>to get the modems in PM 2 to answer.

You MAY have an issue with the ISDN reject cause codes sent by the PM3 to
the Telco. Lucent now sends Cause Code 17 (User busy) If your telco is
setup to forward the call to the next PRI line when this reject code is
received, then you should be fine. My telco (Sprint) wants to see Cause
Code 44 (Network Congestion Requested Channel Not Available) so it doesn't
work here in UTS/Sprint territory. When they receive a 17, they play the
"All circuits are busy" message. :( You need to call your telephone company
to see if they can modify it for you or if they already accept/expect CC
17. If anyone else is having the same problem, please open a ticket with
Lucent. I don't think I'm the only one. This is NOT a Lucent bug, it's just
that some phone companies expect different codes. RFE: The PM should be
configurable to give the telco what it wants to make the rollover/forward
work. Maybe something like:

set line0 isdn-reject-code 17

or a global option such as

set isdn-reject-code 17

If anyone has found a different work around or if anyone in UTS/Sprint has
it working, please let me know.

However, IF your telco accepts CC 17, it should work fine.


Robert Boyle - Engineer - Ext 103 -
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