Re: (PM) MP using CT1, PM3, and Pipelines

Josh Richards (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 16:08:04 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, James Laszko wrote:

> I've got a new PM3 installed with 2 CT1's plugged into the back (by the
> way, the PM3 SCREAMS compared to our other <nameless> solution - especially
> at 56K). We have a user who has multiple Pipeline 50's and 400's at their
> offices around town. I wanted to find out if it's possible to set the
> Pipelines up to do DOSBS to our PM3 and establish a multi-channel PPP
> session. From what I've seen on the list, DOSBS single channel works
> great, but I can't remember if multi would work (and throwing in the piecer
> Ascends just makes it all that much more fun!!)

There is no difference between a DOVBS call vs. a regular 64K call for MP
other then the speed. Well ok, technically there is a difference, but
not for the purposes of your question.

> If this is possible, are there any special items that I need to setup, or
> any pitfalls that I should be aware of?
> Thanks for any info,

Josh Richards - <> - [Beta Engineer]
LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
(formerly Livingston Enterprises, Inc.)

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