Re: (PM) Can't Use Telnet???

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Sun, 8 Feb 98 18:50:56 -0600

Tim Flavin uttered...

>On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, Jeremy Anthony Kinsey wrote:
>> Hello, I have the PM Console running and can see my PM2eR, however, upon
>> Telneting in , which I do as well at times... I cannont.. It says that
>> the host is temporarily unavailable. What is going on? I can get into
>> the PM3 via Telnet, but not the PM2... Running ComOS 3.7.2
>You are either out of memory, or have too many telnet sessions lingering
>around on it. Dialin and do 'sh netconns', if you see a bunch of telnet
>sessions when you know there are none active, 'reset nX' X = netconnecton
>If that's not it, 'sh mem' and if it's really low, there is your answer.
Ok, I know about the too many sessions thing, but, is there a way to
reset the netconnections from the PM console, as I am logged into that
right now, and not telnet..?

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