Re: Ascend/Livingston interoperability (was Re: (PM) Explanation of alphabet soup? (fwd)) (fwd)

Stefan Hudson (
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 10:31:36 -0800

On Sat, Feb 07, 1998 at 02:55:44AM -0800, MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Stefan Hudson shaped the electrons to say...
> >> MP is Multilnk PPP is RFC1990. MPPP is *usually* MP, but it is bogus, don't
> >> use it, use MP.
> >Bad idea. There are some significant problems with using MP on a Pipeline box when
> I think you are confused. This has NOTHING to do with Ascends MPPlus aka
> MP+ aka MPP.

Yes it does. I think I explained it in the section you didn't quote, but I have
repeatable problems using MP (RFC1990, according to you above) on an Ascend
box dialing into a PM3 (3.7.2.c3). The call will close after 60 seconds or
less with a "PPP Term Req" on the PM3 side. I just demonstrated this again on
my P25 at at home, but I've seen it on all other Pipeline models as well.

Setting the Ascend to MPP (aka Ascends MPPlus aka MP+) will allow the connection
to stay up indefinately. The Ascend box has recent software, but I havn't tried
the latest and greatest version of the week.

I know this is probably an Ascend problem, but the point is that setting it
to MPP solves the problem described above, even if it isn't the "correct"

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
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