Re: Ascend/Livingston interoperability (was Re: (PM) Explanation of alphabet soup? (fwd)) (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 20:12:49 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Stefan Hudson shaped the electrons to say...
>> Once upon a time Stefan Hudson shaped the electrons to say...
>> >> MP is Multilnk PPP is RFC1990. MPPP is *usually* MP, but it is bogus, don't
>> >> use it, use MP.
>> >Bad idea. There are some significant problems with using MP on a Pipeline box when
>> I think you are confused. This has NOTHING to do with Ascends MPPlus aka
>> MP+ aka MPP.
>Yes it does. I think I explained it in the section you didn't quote, but I have

NO IT DOES NOT. You continue to miss my point. The conversation was on
definitions. I said to call Mutlilink PPP "MP" and no "MPPP". This has
nothing whatsoever to do with "MPP" which is something Ascend users to
descript the cobination of MP+ and MP. We are discussing defnitions!


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