Re: (PM) Multiple Logins - How to eliminate them?

NOT a LE employee (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 20:31:36 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Stefan Hudson wrote:


> The BOFH in me prefers kicking off all duplicate users rather then just
> preventing additional logins the way a RADIUS might. It's more likely
> to inconvenience the people involved.

8) depending on situation, these multilogins could be denying service to
your other lusers.. Thus kicking them all off would bring back resources..

Besides don't you get more points for taking them all down rather then
leaving one to reproduce?

Note: BOFH is a quite enjoyable, webpage/newsgroup for system
managers/techies that feel stressed...

> The other alternative is to give everyone a static IP address. Very
> resource intensive, but it can be effective on small/high price service
> operations where static IPs are a benefit anyway.

This is possible... though could you script you thing to add a static ip
login for multiple logon abusers to the RADIUS user file? Ugh, maybe a
bit much...

Aloha from Paradise,


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