Re: (PM) Multiple Logins - How to eliminate them?

James Sneeringer (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 23:39:05 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Alexander Blauvelt wrote:
| A Port-Limit = 1 in your radius database will solve them from
| getting more than one port on any single pm.

No, Port-Limit only restricts how many channels can be bundled in an MP
session. Incidentally, anyone know if this also restricts EQL? No
reason, it just popped into my head.

The solution I've found that works best is to simply assign a static IP
address to the abusers. They'll figure out that they have a problem
pretty quick. When they call to ask (or complain) about it, calmly
explain that single-user accounts are for a SINGLE USER.


|\ James Sneeringer, System Administrator <>
| \ Oberlander Communications Systems, Inc. :: 309/688-4766 or 800/747-4768
|__\ pgp key fingerprint: 3A E9 B0 7C C6 1C B3 65  28 9E 8D B7 86 5D 18 5E

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