Re: (PM) Multiple Logins - How to eliminate them?

Stefan Hudson (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 20:38:46 -0800

On Fri, Feb 06, 1998 at 08:15:44PM -0600, Brian Locascio wrote:
> I am looking for responses, opinions, and possibly answers to the
> questions, "Using the PM3, is there any way to EASILY identify, track, and
> deter multiple simultaneous logins?"

I use a fairly simple script that polls the portmasters via SNMP every 5
minutes, and kicks off users that are excessively idle, on too long, or
have multiple logins. I havn't been using it lately because it doesn't
deal with MP connections, but one of my projects for this weekend is to
fix that.

The BOFH in me prefers kicking off all duplicate users rather then just
preventing additional logins the way a RADIUS might. It's more likely
to inconvenience the people involved.

The other alternative is to give everyone a static IP address. Very
resource intensive, but it can be effective on small/high price service
operations where static IPs are a benefit anyway.

I'll post the script later if I get a chance to fix it up.

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
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