Re: (PM) PM3 and Adtran (success or failure reports?)

James Sneeringer (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 22:29:29 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Christopher Masto wrote:
| There is a bug in the PM3, possibly in some obscure ISDN option that
| he's using (this is the kind of customer who changes all of his settings
| before even starting).

Has he tried connecting to you with factory default settings? It has some
built-in configurations for making 1B or 2B calls.

| There is an incompatability, similar to the above, but Adtran's fault.

Possibly. What's his code revision level? ATI1 will show it. I've got
one here at D.00 that works like a champ; the current version is J.00. If
nothing else, have him call Adtran, it's a chip upgrade and it's free.

My experiences with the XRT have been excellent. We recommend them to
anyone who needs an external ISDN TA. In fact, my boss has one at his
house that he uses almost nightly. Unless he has a bad code version, I
wouldn't think it could be the Adtran. I'd guess his BRI is the problem.


|\ James Sneeringer, System Administrator <>
| \ Oberlander Communications Systems, Inc. :: 309/688-4766 or 800/747-4768
|__\ pgp key fingerprint: 3A E9 B0 7C C6 1C B3 65  28 9E 8D B7 86 5D 18 5E

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