(PM) Explanation of alphabet soup? (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 18:38:13 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Chris Trown shaped the electrons to say...
>MPPP=MP=Multilink PPP. A means of aggregating two B channels into 1 data pipe

MP is Multilnk PPP is RFC1990. MPPP is *usually* MP, but it is bogus, don't
use it, use MP.

>MP+=Some proprietary Ascend foo

A predecessor to BACP basically. They wrote an information RFC on it but
I forget the number, maybe 1974?

>DBA=Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation. One manual I have here states that it's use
> to automatically bring up the second B-Channel after placing a voice call.
> Some other source I saw says that it is used to bring the second channel u
> and down as traffic flow warrants.

Both are right. DBA is a *concept* and as such varies widely in use and

>BAP=BACP?? Same thing? It was my impression that it's used to bring up and
> down second B channels across multiple chasis.

Different things, same RFC - RFC21215. Bandwith Allocation Protocol and
Bandwith Allocation Control Protocol

>BOD=Bandwidth On Demand. protocol to bring the second B channel up depending
> on traffic flow.

I think this is just a concept - sometimes useds interchangably with DBA.
Also Demand Routing, Dial On Demand, etc.


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