Re: (PM) Bipolar and Sync errors

Rob Chandhok (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 15:19:56 -0500

At 9:45 AM -0500 2/5/98, Rick Davidson wrote:
>Following the out of slots thread, I looked at the stats on my lines and
>saw the same thing, millions of bipolar errors.

Either (1) that line is sick, or (2) the PM3's internal CSU is bad, or (3)
the cable from the smartjack to your PM3 is bad. I vote for (1) or (3).

Have you moved the line to another port?

The telco often can't see errors with their equipment, I've discovered.
Last week we had an ongoing )open for 5 days) ticket about bipolars and
CRCs. The line finally completely died and they tracked it down to the
second segment of the CT1 - an open pair.

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