Re: (PM) 56kflex and quake

Derric Scott (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 10:36:02 -0600 (CST)

> > But the first poster said it locked their box up, which seems to be
> > something rather more serious. And frankly, there is nothing a PM
> > could do that should cause a machine on the other end to 'lock up'.
> No, I don't think its the PM3's fault , I know on my machine, if I
> get the 'net packet error' for more than a few seconds, it locks up.
> It has only done that since I put in a Monster 3D, therefore I think
> its the cause. And, I do agree , the Quake playing is far better
> through the PM3, but I don't know how to stop the users retraining
> except by limiting them to 28.8
> So, even though the lockup is probably the 3D card, it happens as a
> result of retraining (as far as I can tell,... if there's another
> answer I want it).

Tho' I don't do Quake, I've just about stopped the retraining by setting a
speed limit in DUN's extra settings. Pick a speed a couple of notches
below the customer's common speed, like:

If you pick a speed low enough it should retrain very little, if at all.
(This also works for a lot of the random disconnect problems with V.34+
modems if you use a command like "S37=19N0"



Derric Scott          Scott Network Services, Inc.         P. O. Box 361353           (205)987-5889               Birmingham, AL 35236
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