Re: (PM) 56kflex and quake

Jaime Bozza (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 09:42:44 -0600

>No, I don't think its the PM3's fault , I know on my machine, if I
>get the 'net packet error' for more than a few seconds, it locks up.
>It has only done that since I put in a Monster 3D, therefore I think
>its the cause. And, I do agree , the Quake playing is far better
>through the PM3, but I don't know how to stop the users retraining

This sounds a lot like a problem many of our customers have had with 3dfx
(Voodoo based) and 56K modems. We found that if they had their refresh sync
off (which increases frame rates) their Quakeworld games would constantly
get "UREMOVE" errors, most likely from retraining, making the game pretty
much unplayable. Their choice was either drop to v.34 or turn refresh sync
back on.

Do you have your refresh sync off on your Monster 3D? It could possibly be
the cause.

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.

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