RE: (PM) Problems with E1 Fract in Europe, Anyone? (fwd)
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 12:22:17 -0000 (WET)

On 05-Feb-98 MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time shaped the electrons to say...
>>We are setting up our 9th portmaster PM3 but our first using the line1 as a
>>Fractional E1.
>>I set it up, groupped two channels with
>> set line1 group 1 channels 1 2
>>and after the reboot I had my w32 interface
> Channelized and Fractional are not the same thing. What you are doing
> here is for a channelized line, but you said Fractional - which is it?


Channelized E1... I understand where the problem is... And I just read in the
manual in a Note: Channelized E1 will be available in a future release (beeing
3.6 the release mentioned in the manual that didn't exist according to 3.7
release notes :)

Let me check the release notes...
3.5 doesn't mention it...
3.7 says: Channelized E1 will be supported in a future release.
3.7.1 nothing
3.7.1c1 nothing (bug fix releas)
3.7.2 nothing
3.7.2c3 nothing


Well, that probably means that Channelized E1 is not support yet :/ and if
that's correct it also means that I should have looked into the Release notes
more often...

Question is: when will Channelized E1 be supported? 3.8?

Right now, I'm going to ask our telco for a MUX to get a V35 interface and put
another piece of equipement in there (Probably a pm2..:)

But Chann E1 is very important to us...



PS: now go to the board and write 100 time: "you should always use the correct
terms and read the release notes"
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