(PM) !root password

qcislands net gated newsgroup feed (qcinet4@ccstores.com)
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 23:59:07 -0800 (PST)

I have a PM2ER-10 (fairly old).

Several people had access to the '!root' password.

I changed it, AND I did a save all, AND I logged back in right away
with the new password to confirm that it WAS changed.

Now I find that my new password doesn't work. This leads me to suspect
that one of the other people *somehow* hacked into the router and changed
the password ON ME!

But how? No one has physical access to the box. They would have had to
telnet into it. So my question is, could someone have made a backdoor
into the router OUTSIDE of the !root? AND have been able to change my
!root access as well? If this is so, then it makes my knees knock.

Please someone tell me how to prevent this from happening on my other two

This is definately a security issue, but I don't want to let on that I've
discovered it until I can prevent it from happening again!
Jim Pazarena, webmaster - qcislands.net mailto:paz@qcislands.net
Box 550 - 405 2nd Avenue http://www.qcislands.net/paz
Queen Charlotte BC
CANADA V0T 1S0 (250) 559 4443

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