(PM) Re: Portmaster Users Digest V98 #35

Badri Ghimire (badri@mos.com.np)
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 14:59:06 +0545 (NPT)

Hi all,

I'm using RADIUS authentication on Cisco Router (2511). Radius is being
run on IBM Aix machine. I have a problem in Radius accounting record.
The Account-Session-ID is repeated which should remain unique as I guess.
This has caused a hassle in billing.

Anybody has an idea as what might have caused this and what may be the
possible remedy ?

Any pointer on this would be highly appreciated.


Badri Prasad Ghimire
Mercantile Communications.
Durbar Marg
Tel. 977-1-220773
E-mail: badri@mos.com.np

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