Re: (PM) Disconnect problems

Stephen Fisher (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:48:30 -0700

When downloading a file across the modem TCP/IP is alawys talking _both

The download problems not resetting the idle timer was sattelie downlinks
where the uplink traffic went through the modem.

On Mon, Feb 02, 1998 at 06:37:41PM -0000, Russell Heilling wrote:

> I seem to remember that there used to be a problem that only
> traffic _into_ the portmaster was resetting the idle counter, so
> if a user was sat downloading a large file (all traffic going out of
> the portmaster) they would get disconnected after the idle
> timeout, whereas if they were web browsing, with traffic going
> in both directions they would stay on fine.
> Can anyone confirm whether this has been fixed yet?

 - Steve
  - Systems Manager
  - Community Internet Access, Inc.
  - Gallup and Grants, New Mexico
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