Re: (PM) Disconnect problems

Don Lashier (
Mon, 02 Feb 1998 11:27:30 -0800

On 2/2/98, at 6:37 PM, Russell Heilling wrote:
>I seem to remember that there used to be a problem that only
>traffic _into_ the portmaster was resetting the idle counter, so
>if a user was sat downloading a large file (all traffic going out of
>the portmaster) they would get disconnected after the idle
>timeout, whereas if they were web browsing, with traffic going
>in both directions they would stay on fine.

This is not the problem as FTP has activity both directions.
However, older versions of Win95 idle timer are broken as they
are based on mouse/kb activity. Have the user disable their
idle timeout and downloads should work ok.


Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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