Re: (PM) MCPPP with W95 (fwd)

Cor Bosman (
2 Feb 1998 03:30:16 +0100 (MegaZone) writes:

>Once upon a time Paul C. Diem shaped the electrons to say...
>>PM3's running 3.7.2c3 with ISDN which wind up with one B channel on one
>>PM3 and another B channel on another PM3 (both have the same endpoint
>>set), do not get a default route set. Users can only get to hosts on the

>Setting the default route is the responsibility of the Windows client,
>we can't set it for them... I don't know why it would work differently
>when using MCPPP or on the same chassis. Is it reproducible? Anyone
>else seeing this?

Btw, anyone using MCPPP really wants to upgrade to c3, as anything
before that has a bug that crashes your pm3.

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