Re: (PM) SPIDs on a PRI

Damien T. (
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 17:10:44 -0800 (PST)

At 06:27 PM 2/1/98 -0500, you wrote:
>But, when our customer calls in, they get connected to the first available
>PM port, rather than the one we are trying to set aside for them.
>Is it possible to make this call connect on the specified port?
>What other settings do I need?

Randy -

This question seems to come up on the list from time to time. Although you
can't dedicate a specific 'port' on the PM3 for this caller, the work done
by the telco pretty much takes care of this for you. Since you now have a
phone number that is not in your hunt group, but associated with your PRI,
this means that a channel will always be available for this customer
(unless, of course someone figures out the phone number and starts calling <g>!)

So although it's not a specific 'port' - it accomplishes the same thing in
providing a dedicated 'virtual port.'


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