Re: (PM) Re: CSU (fwd)

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Sun, 1 Feb 98 18:05:20 -0000

MegaZone uttered:

>Once upon a time Mia's Virtual Post Office shaped the electrons to say...
>>Ok, let me try this one more time.... I have a Line0 but NO LINE1...
>>Now what do I do... I am going to plug the CT1 into the Line0... where
>>does the T-1 go??
>Some other unit - not the PM-3.
>You should've gotten a two port unit.

Some other unit? ie a PM2e perhaps? The unit I have here apparently can
not act as an all in one unit as it was mis-described, The CSU/DSU in it
defeats the purpose? It is just an eval, so I guess I will have to
re-explain what I am trying to do here.

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