Re: (PM) Win 3.1 problems after 3.7.2c3 (fwd)

Derric Scott (
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 17:28:26 -0600 (CST)

> Once upon a time Tom shaped the electrons to say...
> > It has no limit, except those imposed by a particularly implementation.
> >Nearly everbody uses 1500 for all p2p frame types because it avoids
> >fragmentation to and from ethernet.
> 1006 has always been the traditional SLIP MTU size on all products I've
> used. Including Trumpet. With 1500 the standard size for PPP.

Hmmm.... it's been a while since I loaded Trumpet from scratch, but my
memory tells me that Trumpet 2.x sets up 1500 "out of the box" - because we
had to tell customers to change it all the time due to Trumpet's 2.x bugs
for larger MTUs.

There is no mention of 1006 in the Trumpet 2.0b docs, tho' it does say that
1500 is max for Ethernet and is recommended and it says to start SLIP with

I have two questions on this issue:
1. WHY did you tighten up a loose implementation when the loose
implementation was working, in the field, and allowed more
flexibility (fewer customer support calls)? It should
have also been obvious that this would cause trouble when
released to the field in working sites. This seems in
violation of the RFC conventions of sending strictly,
receiving loosely, or somesuch.
2. Why wasn't it mentioned in the release notes!?



Derric Scott          Scott Network Services, Inc.         P. O. Box 361353           (205)987-5889               Birmingham, AL 35236
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