Re: (PM) Re: CSU (fwd)

Chris Adams (
1 Feb 1998 20:23:22 GMT

According to Mia's Virtual Post Office <>:
>Still does not make sense... So, I have one RJ45 slot to which I can plug
>either my T-1 or the CT-1? So either no one can dial up but the PM3 will
>be connected to the internet, or people can dial up, but the PM3 will not
>be connected to the internet? Do you see where I am going here?
>Something is missing. If the PM3 has a built in CSU\DSU, wouldn't I plug
>the T-1 into the PM3? But I still need to get the CT1 in there somehow,
>so that people can dial this thing up?
>I guess what I am saying is, I have one Line0 port, and two things that
>must be pluged in:
>A CT1 and a T-1.. Where???

I think I see what is wrong here.

Look at the serial number tag on the back of your PM3. Does it say
PM-3A-2T or PM-3A-1T? It sounds like you have a -1T, in which case you
only have line0 and no line1. If that is what you have, you probably
want to contact whoever you bought it from and try to return it and get
a -2T. With the -2T, you can plug in 2 T1s (either leased line T1/frac
T1, channelized T1, or PRI) and the coming WAN card will give you a
third T1 port (for leased line T1/frac T1).

I think most of the people on the list just buy the -2T unit and don't
think about the fact that there is a -1T unit.

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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