Re: (PM) Re: CSU (fwd)

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Sun, 1 Feb 98 14:20:14 -0000

Don Lashier uttered:

>On 2/1/98, at 1:32 PM, Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:
>>Still does not make sense... So, I have one RJ45 slot to which I can plug
>>either my T-1 or the CT-1? So either no one can dial up but the PM3 will
>>be connected to the internet, or people can dial up, but the PM3 will not
>>be connected to the internet? Do you see where I am going here?
>>Something is missing. If the PM3 has a built in CSU\DSU, wouldn't I plug
>>the T-1 into the PM3? But I still need to get the CT1 in there somehow,
>>so that people can dial this thing up?
>>I guess what I am saying is, I have one Line0 port, and two things that
>>must be pluged in:
>>A CT1 and a T-1.. Where???
>Plug the ct1 into line0 and the t1 into line1.
>If you have 2 ct1s, you'll need to buy the wan card.
Ok, let me try this one more time.... I have a Line0 but NO LINE1...

Now what do I do... I am going to plug the CT1 into the Line0... where
does the T-1 go??

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