Re: (PM) PM3 Caller ID (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 30 Nov 1997 20:04:20 -3200 (PST)

Once upon a time Stephen Fisher shaped the electrons to say...
>Also things like sharing the channels (ct1/pri) and/or serial ports on
>Portmasters across a LAN or WAN to Windows and Unix machines (such as

For Windows there is what used to be ComT - I think it is ComIP now.
Support has more info. We've worked with the company that makes it
and it works well with PortMasters. Last I knew they have working
redirectors for Win3.x, Win95, and WinNT. Probably not WinCE. (I love that
last rendering for some reason...)

>I think the market for things like this is worth looking into for

We do need to focus on the bulk of the market first though. That's how
you make sales and have money to implement other things for the smaller

Speaking for myself, I wouldn't be surprised to see the FAX modem code
implemented at some point. And I believe the IETF RADIUS WG is looking
at was to handle dialout users from RADIUS and if a standard is developed
I'm sure we'll support it.


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