Re: (PM) Quake on PM3 and 56K

Jon Rust (
Sun, 30 Nov 97 16:07:35 -0800

Hmmm.... been playing Quake w/Hayes 56k modem for about 2 months now. No
problems and no special settings. Pings are generally in the 120's,
sometimes in the 1-teens. Almost never get the "phone plug of death."


On 11/29/97 6:27 AM proclaimed --

> I have done some testing with PM3 and quake servers and clients( 120
>ports live boxs).
>To cut a long story short. Quake prefers the same speed uplink as
>There is a speed setting you can put in the client side. But it cannot
>be different in each direction.
>So this would obviously account for the "Net Send Packet" errors you are
>Before 56KFlex the send at receive speeds on a modem did not vary be
>that much. Maybe 26400-28800. You set the SPEED setting in the quake
>client to 2500 and all went fine.
>Make sure your users keep this setting at the client side.
>Good luck
> James
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