(PM) Quake on PM3 and 56K

James (James@superbug.demon.co.uk)
Sat, 29 Nov 1997 14:27:47 +0000

I have done some testing with PM3 and quake servers and clients( 120
ports live boxs).
To cut a long story short. Quake prefers the same speed uplink as
There is a speed setting you can put in the client side. But it cannot
be different in each direction.
So this would obviously account for the "Net Send Packet" errors you are
Before 56KFlex the send at receive speeds on a modem did not vary be
that much. Maybe 26400-28800. You set the SPEED setting in the quake
client to 2500 and all went fine.
Make sure your users keep this setting at the client side.
Good luck

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