(PM) Re: Portmaster Users Digest V97 #332

OWT Tech Support (dlasher@owt.com)
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 10:11:22 -0800

>Once upon a time Anthony Green (HTAL) shaped the electrons to say...
>>Also .. anyone at Livingston working on the "Quake" problem ?
>Honestly we have a slew of reports telling us we ROCK with Quake and not
>to change a thing. We've had people go to PM-3s because it does Quake
>better than the other NASes.
>These couple of Quake problem reports are quite confusing since we're
>still hearing how great it is at Quake - from more people.
>- -MZ


Check an Open Trouble Ticket (Sorry, I'm at home, it's Thanksgiving, I
don't have the ticket number here) for One World Telecommunications. I
finally opened one after people on this list urged me to. Also check back
on previous posts. The problem seems to be related to V42bis & LAPM. If I:

#1 - Disable V42bis in the modem, %c1 forces MNP
#2 - Disable LAPM in modem, \n5 forces MNP

Then the problem MOSTLY (99%) goes away. Before I would get dropped, Now, I
just paaaaauuuussse painfully.

However, when I connect to a regular modem, with that config, I get this:

Connect 33600
Compression: ALT
Error Correction : MNP5

However, if I connect to the pm3, I get:

Connect 48000
Compression: NONE
Error Correction : LAPM

Do you not support MNP?? It appears that turning off the compression solves
most of the problem. You can recover your compression via STAC, if your PM3
supports it.

as for Quake, the speed rocks, no question, my pings have gone down
20-40ms, but the "Net Send Packet" errors really SUCK! ALL of our users are
seeing it, from Hayes to Zoom to Supra. Yet dial our PM2's and it's rock
solid. To answer the obvious first:

Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.7.2
System uptime is 9 days 22 hours 51 minutes

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law
Receive Level: +2dB to -7.5dB

Active Port: S4
Transmit Rate: 46000
Receive Rate: 28800
Connection Type: LAPM/NONE
Chars Sent: 195677555
Chars Received: 40102135
Retrains: 0
Renegotiations: 0

Here's the port I've been on all morning (Quakers celebrate ThanksGiving
too! pun intended) and it's "net send packet" on me 4-5 times in the less
than 1 hr I've been on.

Listen: The reason we keep beating on this topic is because our USERS do.
Like I said in my previous post, at least 50% of our 56k beta testers are
Game/Quake players. If we can't make it work, then we lose some of the $$$$
reasons to add PRI's instead of analog lines. Just give this issue some
attention, and we'll all be happy.


Donn Lasher
One World Telecommunications

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