Re: (PM) BGP on PM2E?

Stephen Fisher (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 17:34:47 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Jacob Suter wrote:

> Its not a mistake... BGP4 doesn't NEED to have a full view...


> You can do a full view into a PM2-ER with 16mb ram without any problem
> according to MZ... I believe he said a full view was ~5.9MB

Really? Hmm.. maybe it just doesn't work on a PM2e with 1mb of ram.

> I do have this on my PM2-ER-20 (no ISDN), ComOS 3.7.2...
> pm1-cro> sh modul
> Module State Start Len
> ---------------- ----- ------ ---------
> 0 SNMP HEAP 9548 25760
> 1 IPX ACT 55b0 16276
> 2 INIT HEAP 0 21936
> 3 SYNC ACT 36cd8 15616
> 4 OSPF ACT 3aa28 53200
> 5 BGP HEAP 3a9d8 80
> 6 ISDN HEAP fef0 130812
> 7 ISDN-NORTH-AM HEAP 2fdf0 14116
> 8 ISDN-EUROPE HEAP 33518 8792
> 9 ISDN-JAPAN HEAP 35770 5476
> pm1-cro>
> I don't have ISDN... do I *really* need it in my active memory? This
> would solve a LOT of people's "oh god I need 4mb ram!" problem. It
> seems that a lot of this could be unloaded quite easily (the Linux
> kernel does this now, releasing any unused drivers) and could possibly
> reduce problems... MZ, any comment?

Well.. it's not in active memory - it's in the HEAP - but could still be
loaded, not sure.

I prefer a simiar build with everything in them personally .. 4mb upgrades
aren't too bad.. I HATE when I have to go through 40 OS images per product
and per release just to find the one with the options I need:)

- Steve
- Systems Manager
- Community Internet Access, Inc.
- Gallup and Grants, New Mexico

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