(PM) BGP on PM2E?

Ing. Felipe Tribaldos (felipe@pty.com)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 18:26:29 -0500 (GMT)


I've noticed that the BGP modules shows up in 3.7.2 in the
PM2E's and also the OR's. I wonder how many whole views of the
net you can fit in an OR-HS :-). Is this a mistake or
is it supposed to be there?


pm3dv> ver
Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7.2
System uptime is 6 days 21 hours 16 minutes
pm3dv> sh glob
Disabled Modules: SNMP IPX OSPF BGP *******
pm3dv> sh modules
Module State Start Len
---------------- ----- ------ ---------
0 SNMP HEAP 9548 25760
1 IPX HEAP 55b0 16276
2 INIT HEAP 0 21936
3 SYNC HEAP 36cd8 15616
4 OSPF HEAP 3aa28 53200
5 BGP HEAP 3a9d8 80
6 ISDN HEAP fef0 130812
7 ISDN-NORTH-AM HEAP 2fdf0 14116
8 ISDN-EUROPE HEAP 33518 8792
9 ISDN-JAPAN HEAP 35770 5476

| Ing. Felipe Tribaldos				Tel. +(507)265-2022	     |
| Gerente de Operaciones / Operations Manager	Fax. +(507)264-6082	     |
| Orbinet Telecommunications, Inc.		Panama, Republica de Panama  |
| Internet Access - VPN - Web Publishing - Intranets - Consulting	     |
| url: http://www.orbi.net/			mailto:felipe@pty.com	     |
| PGP: http://keys.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x62A392A0	     |

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